Téma ismertetése


    Code: BMEGT52A001

    Basic data: elective of any majors

    Credit (ECTS): 2

    Compulsory preliminary study: none

    Type of requirement: exam + assignment

    Method of education: lectures

    Language of the course: English

    Lectures/Practice: 2 lectures / week (held from 10.15 to 12.00 on Thursdays)


    Responsible person: Dr. Sarolta Tóvölgyi

    Lecturers: Máté Köles, Bálint Szabó, Márk Pulay, Mária Horváthné Babics, Dalma Geszten, Áron Tóth, Kapusy Kata, Boros Dávid, Dr. Sarolta Tóvölgyi

    Aims of the subject: to provide the students with an up-to-date introductory human factors course that makes them capable of viewing all kinds of technological development from a human/user perspective.


    • presence at the lessons
    • performing a written exam during the semester (reaching at least 40% from it) --> if the mark is not accepted, further repeat exam
    • assignment (homework)

    Date of the written exam: 9th May (it is going to be written in the classroom, at lesson-time).

    Date of the repeat exam: 16th May (it is going to be written in the classroom, at lesson-time).


    Assignment (Homework)

    • You can work in pairs or individually
    • You should aim for 2-3 pages. If needed for reasons of clarity (additional screenshots or pictures of the flat) it can exceed these page limits.
    • Any draft or screen shot (e.g. in case of an evaluation of a software) has to be attached
    • You have to hand it in electronically
    • You can choose the topic of your homework in the following areas:
      1. Evaluation of a flat’s room from ergonomic aspects
      2. Evaluation of a workroom (e.g. classroom) from ergonomic aspects
      3. Evaluation of a homepage from ergonomic aspects
      4. Other topics - please consult with Sarolta Tóvölgyi

    Hints for the assignment: First of all write down the problems you find: analyze them and explain why you think they are troublesome from an ergonomic perspective. Of course we don’t expect a professional analysis but try to point out trouble spots based on what you heard during the lectures and your previous experiences. Offer suggestions at improving those fields you think are lacking. You can offer as many options as you like, but always explain why you think it’ll make the usability better. Include screenshots or photos or drafts to prove your points.

    • Please note that exactly the same topic can be chosen by only one pair or individual

    Don’t forget that the evaluation of a single item (room or webpage) can only be done by one person (or a pair). To make it easier for you, we created a Google Docs table where you can write in your choice of homework you’ll submit. We provided examples in the spreadsheet on how to fill it out. This way we can avoid many of you doing the same task.

    Please, specify your topic in this spreadsheet!

    • The deadline is 25th April, but the sooner you “reserve” your topic, the more choices will you have available.
    • Send your completed works to Dr. Sarolta Tóvölgyi: tovolgyi@erg.bme.hu



    The mark will be built up as follows: EXAM (50%) + PROJECT ASSIGNMENT (50%)

    • Points 100 – 80 = Mark 5
    • Points 79 – 70 = Mark 4
    • Points 69 – 55 = Mark 3
    • Points 54 – 40 = Mark 2
    • Points 39 – 0 =  Mark 1


    • Fundamentals of ergonomics, Introduction (Máté Köles) - February 07

      The concept of ergonomics, main stages of its development. The three main optimization goals of ergonomics: safety, comfort and efficiency.

      The main tasks and possibilities of ergonomics at the working places:

      • protecting the health and safety of workers
      • increasing work efficiency
      • increasing work satisfaction and feeling of comfort
      • providing possibilities for personal development (developing skills, personality, social relationships, etc.)

      The view and main objectives of ergonomics. The ergonomic quality, the ergonomics as an added value. The user profile and the main approaches of ergonomics. Basic questions of new product development.

    • Design for all, accessibility (Márk Pulay) - Febr 14

      Designing for special users. The gap-theory and its application. The “Design for all” – Universal Design – approach. Designing assistive technologies and barrier-free environment.

    • Human-computer interaction evaluation (Dalma Geszten) - February 21

      Software usability in general. Usability guidelines and examination methods. Analytic methods vs empirical methods.

    • Applied Ergonomics: Product experience and gamification (Áron Tóth) - Febr 28

      The theory and framework of gamification.

      Why does gamification work?

      The flow theory.

      How to design a gamified system?

      Real life examples.

    • HCI evaluation methods in practice (Máté Köles) - March 7

      HCI group activity

    • Usability methods: eye-tracking (Bálint Szabó) - March 14

      Usability testing and other applications of the eye-tracking technology.

    • Spring break - no lecture - March 21

      • Ergonomics in Vehicle Design (Dávid Boros) - March 28

        In the Vehicle Design lecture, the most important safety parts of the car, such as seat belts, airbags, etc., will mainly be discussed. Beside that there will be some talk about how tiredness causes more car accidents than any other influence on the driver. 
      • Psychology in Ergonomics (Máté Köles) - April 04

        Introduction into how raw sensory information is processed into a cohesive perception and how they relate to ergonomics. Working memory and menu design. Selective attention.

      • Evaluation of industrial workplaces with ViveLab (Mária Babicsné Horváth) - April 11

        Get to know industrial workplace ergonomics and methodology through one example and ViveLab software for ergonomic risk assessments.


      • Office ergonomics (Dávid Boros) - April 18

        General workplace design principles.  Designing office workplaces: smaller offices and large open-space office rooms. Selecting furniture and interior design.

      • Sports' Day - no lecture - April 25

        • Applied Ergonomics: Shopping experience (Kata Kapusy) - May 02

          What does Shopping Experience mean?

          What kind of values can be delivered of SE and what are they?

          How could environment effect those?

        • Written exam - May 09

          It will contain multiple choice type test questions, questions requiring short written answers and a few questions where some drawing might be required (don't worry, artistic quality will not be graded). You will have 45 mins to complete it. 

          • Repeat exam - May 16

            For those who were unable to attend the original date and those who scored below 40% max points. It is also optional for everyone else who wishes to improve their exam points. Be aware though that only the points of the last written exam will count. If you rewrite it, only the result of the second exam will count toward your grade at the end of the semester.  

            • LITERATURE

              Downloadable e-materials from the site of the Department (www.erg.bme.hu).

              Chaffin, D. B., Andersson, G. B. J., Martin, B. J. (2006). Occupational biomechanics (4th ed.). New York: Wiley-Intersciences.

              Krug, S (2000). Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability. New Riders.

              Norman, D. A. (2002). The design of everyday things. New York: Basic Books.

              Pheasant, S (1988): Bodyspace. Taylor & Francis

              Sanders, M. S., McCormick, E. J. (1993). Human factors in engineering and design (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

              Schifferstein, H. N. J., Hekkert, P. (Eds.). (2008). Product Experience. Elsevier.

              Stanton, N., Hedge, A., Brookhuis, K., & Salas, E. (Eds.). (2004). Handbook of human factors and ergonomics methods. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.